Saturday, November 7, 2009

halloween sum up

So I started this post like a week ago and haven't had time to finish it until now... But since my last post, I can say that Japan did a pretty okay job in helping me celebrate Halloween as best I could away from home =) I ended up going to a Halloween party later that weekend and it was SUPER chill and SUPER awesome <3

 I was invited by a friend, who was like invited by his friend, but it had a lot of other exchange students from other universities in Tokyo. And omg... I got to dance like back home!!! But by 'I got to dance,' it means that me and the 3 other girls I was with had our own dance party. Some other people started dancing, but like Japanese people don't just break it down like we Western-folk do =/ 

I don't know if the DJ could see through that mask... like he had to hold it up while he was mixing because it was so big... The space was small, but it had like this intimate atmosphere so it was nice to be with everyone =) There were a couple of things that were weird though: a) the music that was played, and b) the movies they projected on the wall/TV. Well for a) it was good overall - all of the songs were songs from the U.S., but like you'd have Lady Gaga followed by a set of country songs... So like I'd be super pumped from Gaga and then be like "oh... i guess we're switching to country..." haha. And for b) I think it was Soul Train when we first got to the party? And then it went to Charlie and Chocolate Factory. I mean it was cool and all, but I got SO distracted and found myself watching Johnny Depp for a good portion of the movie. And then they played this random movie at the end, I have no idea how to even begin describing it, but I feel like there wasn't any music or much dialogue that accompanied the movie when it had sound. 

How cute are the sleeping cats~!?? I went to a cat cafe with some people =) Yup, a cafe with cats <3 These types of cafes have been getting more and more popular because people want the enjoyment of spending time with animals like cats and bunnies without having the responsibility of actually having to take care of them. 

But like these cats are SO spoiled. They just prance around and are all like "Ohh hayyyyyyy. Yea I know you want to pet me" and then they just judge you... I got to pet a couple but getting them to like me in the first place was a bit of work...

I saw this cat as I was walking past the sink. He was sleepingggggg <3 <3 <3 

And now for legit Halloween. We went to this restaurant called 'Lock Up' with a bunch of people and it was super fun. I don't know if the workers always dress up in funny outfits, but they had some pretty awesome ones that night. 

Hellz yes: wait staff = awesomeness. The food was made for like everyone to have fun together with too. Like one of the course items was 'Russian roulette takoyaki.' Takoyaki are little balls of flour and cabbage all cooked together in a semi-circle pan so it comes out in the shape of a little ball. And 'tako' means 'octopus' in Japanese, so it has a piece of octopus in it. (Think like the pan for the TV informercial product the 'Pancake Puff') But yea, one of the 4 takoyaki had hot sauce baked into it - I don't have the pictures, but who ever ate it legit started crying.  

And this doesn't have to do anything with Halloween, but I give this dude madd props for rockin' this jacket. 
Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween~! I can't believe it's November now... Like that's cool and everything, but where did the time go?! The weather has started to feel more like November-ish, so it's all starting to set in... We'll see what craziness I get myself into this month - haha. 


  1. You have such a great time. But some time I want writing Japanese in your blog. 日本人にも読めるようにして欲しいです。  母より
