Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy June, happy food :)

So after my last entry, I was like: “wow, I can’t believe it’s already going to be June in just over 2 weeks. That gives me plenty of time until my next entry…” Chyea… déjà-vu, it’s almost JULY (O_o) Like how did that happen!!?

Time has gone by so quickly, that I can’t even explain to you just WHERE the time has been going. I find myself getting SUPER excited for the week to start because: 1) the Monday night TV line up – 9 o’clock: the customary Monday night-9 o’clock drama comes on. And who is back to redeem his title of “Mr. Getsu (Mon.)- Ku (9)? None other than Takuya Kimura <3 <3 <3 And THEN following the 9 o’clock drama is the TV show called ‘SMAP x SMAP’ from 10~11, which is a variety TV show featuring the music group SMAP. And guess who is also in SMAP? Yup – Takuya Kimura. Homeboy is ALL over Fuji-TV’S Monday-night line up.

But I’m not going to lie… Takuya Kimura is needs to step up his game for his first romance-drama in 3 years in the Monday-9 spot… I mean it’s entertaining and keeps me tuning in, but it’s def not up to par for what it should be with ALL of the famous people they have casted in it.

2) And the other day I really look forward to is Thursday <3 But that’s a secret I’ll share another time (^_’) And then of course, the weekend After counting down and doing all of these amazing, new things makes me lose track of how I actually fit it all in.

Okay, but now for what I was originally going to write about; FOOD! Well, I don't know how qualified it really is to be classified as a "food entry," but there are pictures of food included (^_') 

So has anyone heard of a “bakudan yaki”? ‘Bakudan’ means ‘bomb’ and ‘yaki’ means to ‘fry’ or ‘grill.’ If anyone knows what “takoyaki” are, the grilled ‘octopus’ balls to put it into literal terms…. Okay so it SEEMS gross from just hearing about it – but it’s made from a thin batter and mixed in it are diced vegetables and a SMALL piece of octopus. The batter is then poured into a cast-iron semi-circle mold and then is flipped 1/2 way in order to create the shape of a ball. There are other foods you can put inside of course, like sausage or cheese, but trust me - the staple choice of octopus will always triumph.

Anywho, well the reason why I’m like all excited about the “bakudan yaki” is because it’s a takoyaki… the size of a SOFTBALL (O_o) Like it comes in a Chinese take-out container. And inside there are additional ingredients like cut up cocktail sausages and a quail egg. Soooo yummmyyyyy <3

And another thing I was SUPER excited about in relation to food was… DINO EGGS in JAPAN! I got a care package from mommy-dearest back home and seeing the Quaker Oatmeal Brown Sugar packets with cartoon dinosaurs on them only made my gasp with glee. Thank you Sho-chan for knowing that I still appreciate the simple pleasures in life like watching my Dino Eggs hatch into dinosaur-shaped sprinkles <3 

The legit made my morning <3 I don’t think I’ve had oatmeal for like maybe… 3 or 4 years? But my mom had sent me an extra box we had sitting in our pantry and I have no clue why, but it left me CRAVING for more. And since when do I legit like raisins? I never really minded them before, but would never voluntarily choose them if I were given a list of choices to pick from. But now, I don’t know… I find myself choosing things like bread with raisins in it and like having raisins in my granola… ( -_-)

I know I’ve probably said this like 3 times already, or at least implied it way more, but I can’t believe just HOW fast time has been going by. Like my last day of co-op is the 13th of August and my flight home is on the 24th. SO pumped, but still know that there is SO much more I want to experience. Like I feel like if I came home now, I would be satisfied with my experience and know that I loved my entire time I was here; but then again, I know I’d have “What If’s” looming in my thoughts… it’s a hard give-and-take I guess. All I know is that I am so thankful for being able to meet all of these amazing people here in Tokyo, and being able to go BACK to such amazing people at home <3